Where can I complain?

Complaint may be submitted directly to the store - we should then make two copies, one to be left in the store, and the other one to be kept by us together with the seller's receipt (company stamp, signature and date). The complaint may be also sent by registered mail to the seller. The receipt has to be provided (a copy attached to the complaint).

If the seller does not respond within 14 days, then it is believed that the complaint has been recognized as justified. Even if the seller recognized our complaint, there exists no appointed time within which actions should be taken.

The matter may be dealt with on the spot, without a written complaint - we bring faulty shoes to the store, the seller gives us a new pair, and it's settled.

- repair or replacement is impossible or would incur excessive costs, or
- the seller fails to repair or replace the product in due time,
- repair or replacement would be a nuisance to us,

then we can demand price reduction, or terminate the agreement, i.e. return the product and collect the money. We cannot terminate the agreement when inconsistency of the product with the agreement is insignificant. Then we can only ask for a price reduction.