Homo Faber

Homo Faber
 is a non-governmental organization in the field of human rights. The Association was registered in 2004. It has the status of a public benefit organization .

The main area of ​​interest is the relation of the individual organization and power. The organization is the target critical and substantive at the same time to see whether the public authority effectively comply with its obligations , whether respects human rights and freedoms .

The Association undertakes advocacy for minority groups and marginalized . Tackling discrimination on grounds of sex, political or other opinion , race , color, national and ethnic origin , religion , language , age and sexual orientation.

Homo Faber is trying to get to know / keep track of the challenges facing modern states. Catch the latest social phenomena , ask questions and seek timely solutions .

The site of action of the association is Lublin and Lublin region, deeply marked by the tragic history of the twentieth century. It was originally a multicultural area that witnessed the most violent cases of massive violations of human rights by nationalism , Nazism and communism . It's a tough legacy is motivated to action taken.

The methods of the organization are : education , monitoring and advocacy .

As part of its activities the Association has two primary programs: Interculturalism and Good Governance .

Do you want to read a more or join ? Visit our website : www.hf.org.pl

Homo Faber Association
20-031 Lublin, ul. Radziszewskiego 16, lok. 118
(ACK UMCS Chatka Żaka, Inkubator)

Tel./fax 81 534 45 13
Anna Dąbrowska - 795 573 803