What documents are needed for a voluntary health insurance contract?

Documents constituting the basis for conclusion of the agreement:

foreigners - persons not subject to mandatory health insurance in any of the member states of the European Union and EFTA 
- identity document (personal ID card, passport),
- residence card or definite time residence permit, settlement permit, 
- PESEL and NIP numbers (if assigned),
- document confirming the last period of being covered by health insurance.

foreigners - students and participants of PhD studies
- identity document (passport, residence card),
- PESEL and NIP numbers (if assigned), 
- document confirming residence within the Republic of Poland,
- certificate from the university, confirming the fact of being a student.

foreigners – members of orders and alumni from higher clerical and theological seminaries, postulants, neophytes and junior monks and their equivalents
- identity document (passport, residence card),
- PESEL and NIP numbers (if assigned),
- document confirming residence,
- certificate of affiliation to an order.

foreigners – persons taking adaptation internship
- identity document (passport, residence card),
- PESEL and NIP numbers (if assigned),
- document confirming residence,
- agreement obliging to undergo internship/training.

foreigners – taking Polish language courses and preparatory courses for learning Polish
- identity document (passport, residence card), 
PESEL and NIP numbers (if assigned),
document confirming residence,
course certificate.