Sputnik is orbiting again

The MCSU Cultural Centre Chatka Żaka invites you to the 4th edition of the Russian cinema festival Sputnik nad Polską (Sputnik over Poland). The festival presents a wide selection of Russian films and is a replica of an already well-established Warsaw festival of the same name.

The festival programme comprises 15 feature films and a block of animation for adults. The films are mostly recent productions, such as the award-winning A Room and a Half (2008) and Bury Me under the Floor (2009); as well as some classics by Sergei Parajanov and Josif Heifitz.

Date: 7th-16th January 2011

Tickets and passes:

Full festival pass 50 PLN
Single ticket 10/12 PLN

Both can be purchased at the Chatka Żaka box office.

More info at ack.lublin.pl