How can I become a volunteer?

There are several institutions in Lublin that would welcome volunteers.

Work offered by these institutions includes, among others: assistance with the organisation of cultural events; working with children and disabled persons in rehabilitation centres and at occupational therapy workshops; work in an animal shelter.

Regionalne Centrum Wolontariatu (Regional Volunteer Centre), which invites you to its office 10 a.m. - 5 p.m..

Office is located in the Old Town,

ul. Jezuicka 4/5 (I floor) 20-113 Lublin

Tel.: +48 (81) 5342652 Tel. / Fax (81) 5324545


For more information check the website.

Biuro Fundacji Szczęśliwe Dzieciństwo (the Happy Childhood Foundation Office)

ul. Jezuicka 4/9, 20-113 Lublin

Tel: 81 534 66 31, fax: 81 532 90 18

Detailed information on the website.

Centrum Duszpasterstwa Młodzieży przy Kościele Ducha Świętego (Lublin Youth Ministry Centre at the Church of the Holy Spirit)

Krakowskie Przedmieście 1

(Pedestrian street)

phone:81 5321395

More on the website

If you want to work with animals, the Lublin animal shelter also has an offer for you.

Shelter for homeless animals in Lublin

ul. Metalurgiczna 5

tel: 81 466 26 42

All information on the website.