Future Shorts - "Last Days of Summer"

Future Shorts - "Last Days of Summer"

September 29, Wednesday, at

ART Studio, 16 Radziszewskiego street, Lublin

September's selection of films Future Shorts has been created to combat with aftersummer's nostalgy, which can reach everyone. That is why it so heavily on high-grade, energetic film shots include three music videos "Stress" Romain Gavras, "Beyond Here Lies Nothing" Nash Edgerton and "Luv Deluxe Keshavarz Saman, viewers have to shake off the apathy and animate like a little robot in the movie" Hum " by Soeren Bendt.

The program includes:

"The News"
Dir: Luke Shanahan / Australia / 2009 / 4 '
Gina and Daniel are young and madly in love couple...

"Please Say Something"
Dir: David O'Reilly / Germany / 2009 / 10 '
Set in the distant future animated tale of love and domestic violence....

"Top Girl"
Dir: Rebecca Johnson / Germany, United Kingdom / 2008 / 18'30
Donna, courageous and self-assured teenager, one day, as a result of their actions, losing best friend Felicia, and their position in the school....

Dir: Romain Gavras / France / 2008 / 6'45
Follow the gang that wreaks havoc in Paris, marking its trail of destruction in the parade music video for the group Justice...

"A Day In Life"
Dir: Nicolas Daenens / Belgium / 2007 / 21 '
Crazy chain of events linked to bank robbers...

Soeren Bendt Dir / Denmark / 2007 / 8'45
A small robot has decided to revive the tool shed where he had to live ...

"The Archive"
Dir: Sean Dunne / USA / 2008 / 8 '
It has the world's largest record collection ... and no one cares.

"Luv Deluxe
Directed by Saman Keshavarz / USA / 2009 / 5 '
In a crazy world, the border between life and death simply designate a point of view ...

"Where is my Romeo?"
Dir: Abbas Kiarostami / Iran / 2007 / 3 '
Reactions of sixteen women in cinema to watch "Romeo and Juliet".

"Beyond Here Lies Nothing"
Dir: Nash Edgerton / USA / 2009 / 4'10
Home of a young woman sneaking a man....