Polish language and culture classes
What is "Solidarność"?What does it mean when people in Poland say: "A świstak siedzi [i zawija je w te sreberka]"?
Where is Baobab in Lublin, what does it mean "spotykamy się na Litwie", where is Globus or szkieletor?
We invite You to polish language and culture classes. We will talk about day-to-day life in Lublin, language problems (barriers)
with doing daily matters and how we can spend our free time. Not so serious, in funny way, without grades and handbooks.
If You have any ideas or problems You want to talk about just let us know: info@hello.lublin.pl
When: from 1st to 12ve February
time: 10.00- 12.00
where: Homo Faber Association
39 Krakowskie Przedmieście street
The first course